Veri Analizi

Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data analysis is the most widely used type of analysis in academic studies. Since it is one of the most critical steps of the research process, it should be known. Making mistakes in the analysis of the data collected in the researches will prevent the achievement of the goals planned by the study. For this, quantitative data analysis is an analysis method that researchers should know and apply without making mistakes.

Quantitative data analysis has shown significant developments with rapidly developing technology. The rapid spread of computers and statistical package programs has reduced the data analysis problems of researchers. However, it should not be forgotten that the use of this statistical package program, which is developing rapidly and accelerating the data analysis processes, requires knowledge about basic statistics and research techniques. It should not be ignored that the operation of package programs depends on the commands of the user. If the collected data are not analyzed with appropriate statistical techniques, and the results of the analysis are not interpreted correctly, it is clear that the scientificity of the research will be questioned.

Scientific researches, data collection, and analysis techniques are used; the degree to which variables can be controlled; Data sources can be grouped by the environment, level, and time. Scientific research is divided into quantitative and qualitative research. What is quantitative research? Quantitative research defines the positivist view that sees reality independently of the researcher and believes that external reality can be observed, measured, and analyzed objectively. In the simplest sense, quantitative data analysis is a study that involves the collection and analysis of quantitative data.

Numerical values ​​obtained by counting or measuring are quantitative data. Different methods are used in quantitative data analysis according to the type of research. Quantitative data analysis methods to be used in order to reach the right results with the research should be chosen well. The quantitative analysis method is selected according to the characteristics of the research and the data collected. Statistical analysis should be based on numerical values ​​obtained from the study. Research questions or hypotheses depend on the number and level of dependent and independent variables in the study, the level of measurement of the collected data, the number of observations, and the distribution model of dependent variable measurements.

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